Workflow Document

  1. Provider identifies patient in need of transfusion
    1. Hemoglobin <7 g/dl
    2. Hemoglobin >7 g/dl with symptoms/comorbidities/diagnoses consistent with transfusion with higher hemoglobin levels
  2. Provider:
    1. Orders Type & Screen
    2. Orders 1-2 units for packed red blood cells
    3. Obtains Informed Consent from patient
  3. Facility Nurse OR Provider:
    1. Calls Versafusion 423-408-3163 to schedule transfusion
  4. Versafusion Medical Assistant:
    1. Sends order via Teams to appropriate Transfusion Nurse
    2. Alerts Transfusion Nurse of Transfusion using Intake Form
  5. Transfusion Nurse:
    1. Collects relevant patient data:
      1. Orders relevant to transfusion
        1. Type & Screen
        2. Transfuse packed red blood cells
      2. Copy of informed consent
  • Face sheet from facility
  1. Obtains blood sample for type & screen per Versafusion policy
  2. Places Typenex bracelet on patient
  3. Obtains IV access per Versafusion policy
  4. Couriers type & screen sample to blood bank
  5. When blood is ready for transfusion, returns to blood bank and couriers blood to the facility
  6. Checks unit of blood with second person
    1. Name
    2. DOB
  • Medical Record Number
  1. Typenex Blood Band Number
  2. Unit Number on blood
  3. Blood Expiration Date/Time
  • Blood Type and Rh factor
  1. Transfuses blood per Versafusion policy
  2. Provides Education to patient at bedside
  3. Post transfusion, gives handoff to facility nurse:
    1. Education sheet to nurse
    2. Updates patient status
  • Facility nurse signature on documentation
  1. Leaves copy of documentation with nurse for patient EHR